Missionary Story

Shot in a rural village in Uganda called Asinge, I was privileged to shoot and edit this video for Send56. They are a Christian Ministry passionate about training and sending African missionaries to take the gospel to unreached tribes across the continent. I was privileged to spend a day traveling with one of their missionary teams, as they went witnessing, caring and praying for the tribespeople of a rural village. I was amazed at their passion and dedication to spreading the word of God at any cost to themselves - their willingness to endure hunger, difficult living conditions, and discouragements all for the sake of taking the gospel to the unreached was nothing short of inspiring.
Over the course of a day filming, and dozens of hours editing, I was able to capture something of the passion that I saw that day and tell the story of not only these two missionaries, but in a representative way, the many other missionaries just like them who endure the same hardships and have the same heartfelt passion, and who are working even now to bring the gospel to every corner of Africa. The video blessed Send56 and they have been able to use it to help amplify the work they do and raise support for the missionaries of Send56.
Behind the Video